The Global Resources Bank (GRB) Eco money solution to climate change, poverty, debt, and war, establishes people’s cooperation, ecological sustainability, equity, and peace now.

The GRB Eco Cryptocurrency Ai Algorithm Economy
People value natural resources at 5 quadrillion (q) ecos with the buying power of 2020 US$. US$ assets are converted to ecos, and possessions are transferred by smart eco contracts. The GRB invests .1 quadrillion ecos each in ecosystem restoration, conservation, science, green energy, recycling, agroecology, technology, health care, housing, infrastructure, Ai, transportation, communication, disarmament, sport, art, and the network. The GRB gains income from an ecosystem impact fee on eco accounts, and exchanges ecos with the GRB eco reserve to maintain ecological equilibrium. The people’s average ecosystem impact sets the people’s eco account fees, and the impact of transparent commercial eco accounts sets their fees. GRB income maintains the GRB network, and basic income supports everyone for life. People’s feedback to the GRB eco algorithm regulates the value of natural resources, the amount of basic income, and the network percentage. Peoples GRB is a decentralized autonomous network of people who rule the GRB algorithm by majority. GRB eco accounts are accessed by biometric ID. After a year of inactivity eco accounts revert to the reserve.

The GRB Eco (e) Balance Sheet (q)
Assets ________________________________ Liabilities
5.0 natural resources ________________ 3.0 basic income for 8b+ people x e50/day x 20 yrs.
1.0 US$ to GRBe _____________________ 1.8 invest in ecosystem restoration, conservation…
6.0 – _________________________________ 4.8 =1.2 GRBe reserve

The direct democratic GRB eco algorithm ecosystem leverages cryptocurrency and Ai to restore natural resources, and manage the equitable distribution of the earth’s wealth.

Reference: Copionics – The economics of abundance in a world without borders.

Frances Fox, Marisa Stuzbercher and Jo Anne Hissey are networking GRB now, join us.