Central banks extort valueless debt-based interest money by way of government enforced taxation. The GRB revolutionizes abundant and renewable natural wealth distribution by merging AI, blockchain, and ecological responsibility into a fair, and sustainable eco money system. Unlike central bank money that is the cause of inequality and our environmental destruction, GRB money is a decentralized, people-powered currency backed by the planet’s life sustaining wealth. The GRB natural resources-backed money ends debt, war, poverty, and climate change and earns people economic freedom for life. The GRB revolutionizes the people’s medium of exhange system by the GRB eco tokenization of US$ assets.

The GRB Eco AI Cryptocurrency Algorithm
People value natural resources at 5 quadrillion (q) ecos with the buying power of 2020 US$. US$ assets are converted to ecos, and possessions are transferred by smart eco contracts. The GRB invests .1 quadrillion ecos each in ecosystem restoration, conservation, science, recycling,green energy, agroecology, technology, health care, housing, infrastructure, AI, transportation, communication, disarmament, sport, art, and the network. The GRB gains income from an ecosystem impact fee on eco accounts, and exchanges ecos with the GRB eco reserve to maintain ecological equilibrium. The people’s average ecosystem impact sets the people’s eco account fees, and the impact of transparent commercial eco accounts sets their fees. GRB income maintains the GRB network, and basic income supports everyone for life. People’s feedback to the GRB eco algorithm regulates the value of natural resources, the amount of basic income, and the network percentage. Peoples GRB is a decentralized autonomous network of people who rule the GRB algorithm by majority. GRB eco accounts are accessed by biometric ID. After a year of inactivity eco accounts revert to the reserve.

The GRB Eco (e) Balance Sheet (q)
Assets _____________________ Liabilities
5.0 q Natural Resources___ 3.0 q Basic income for 8b+ people x e50/day x 20 yrs.
1.0 q USD to GRB ecos_____1.8 q Invest in ecosystem restoration, conservation, etc.
6.0 q Total Assets __________4.8q Total Liabilities

1.2 q GRB Eco Reserve

The people’s GRB eco money system leverages AI and cryptocurrency to restore our natural resources and manage the equitable distribution of the earth’s life-sustaining wealth. The GRB fusion of AI and natural resource valuation supports a copious, fair and sustainable eco economy. The GRB radical shift from current debt-based, state fiat money systems toward a decentralized, ecologically grounded system that ends the cyclical issues of scarcity, debt, poverty, conflict, war and environmental degradation. By the GRB tokenizing US$ assets into ecos and integrating AI-driven adjustments based on natural resource data, the GRB eco money system creates a self-regulating, global democratic community-governed economy.

1% of the people rule the central bank’s scarcity economics and 99% network GRB now.

GRB encapsulates Copionics – The Economics of Abundance in a World Without Borders.
